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2019-05-22 09:57

  Leaders gather for Perth USAsia Centre China Business Forum

  Vision, trust and action in Australia-China relations were the focus for the inaugural China Business Forum at Crown Perth on Tuesday, May 14.

  More than 250 delegates gathered for the Forum, with speakers including Tourism Minister Paul Papalia and Asian Engagement Minister Peter Tinley, as well as Chinese Consul General Dong Zhihua and Australia-China Business Council president Adam Handley, providing insights to help Australian businesses break into the China market.

  WA has a longstanding economic relationship with China.

  Built on foundations pioneered by the resource sector, economic ties have expanded to include the agro-food, tourism, education and service industries.

  China now accounts for almost half of the State’s merchandise exports, and is a fast-emerging investment partner.

  Professor Gordon Flake applauded Ms Zhihua’s presentation with its focus on the need for vision, trust and action between countries.

  “The main themes from the day were that China continues to offer a vast array of opportunities for Australian businesses,” Professor Flake said.

  “But it is a competitive market, and businesses must get it right in terms of cultural awareness, building the right relationships and having the right staff on the ground in China to progress partnerships.”

  Andrew Wei-Min Lee of Asialink Business highlighted the need for businesses to understand the perception of the WA and Australia brand in China.

  Professor Flake said some Chinese people perceived Australia to be unsafe, and not always willing to accept new nationalities into the country.

  “The Forum provided a unique opportunity for businesses to meet like-minded leaders looking to break the China market, and provided up-to-date information on the opportunities which exist, the support systems which exist to help businesses trade with China, as well as the challenges which lie ahead for those choosing to enter this particular market,” he said.

  The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement was established in 2015 and opened many doors for Australian businesses, removing many tariffs on agricultural exports, with trade between China and Australia worth more than $150 billion.

  China and Australia continue to enjoy a strong relationship both across business and tourism, with China buying almost a third of all Australian exports and 1.3 million Chinese visitors to the nation last year.

  There are 1.4 million Chinese people living in Australia.

  (Source:The West Australian)

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