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Chinese Consul General Long Dingbin attended the Special Assembly between China-Australia Sister Schools
2024-08-03 15:40

On Friday,August 2, 2024, Chinese Consul General Long Dingbin,accompanied by Consul Zhao Hongtao, attended the Special Assembly between Hangzhou Yucai Experimental School, Zhejiang, China and Oberthur Primary School,and delivered a warm speech at the completion ceremony of the short study tour program. 

Long welcomed all the teachers and students from Hangzhou Yucai Experimental School, congratulated them on the successful completion of their studies here,and wished all the teachers and students from China would enjoy their stay in the coming days in Perth.

Long emphasised that Chinese is the most spoken language in the world.By the end of 2023,nearly 200 million foreign people are learning and using Chinese globally,85 countries have included Chinese programs in their national curriculum.Long encouraged the teachers and students from the two schools to continue working hand in hand,to further promote the bilateral close bonds.

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