The Chinese Visa Application Service Center (CVASC) in Perth is recognized by the Consulate-General of PRC in Perth to process authentication applications from January 9, 2023. The address of CVASC: Ground Floor, 256 Adelaide Terrace, Perth WA 6000. The service provided by CVASC includes receiving applications, fees collection, documents release and inquiries. Application assessment and issuance of the authentication certificates remain in the authority of the Chinese Consulate-General in Perth.
The applicants whose documents are notarized or issued in WA should submit their application documents to the CVASC in Perth according to the authentication requirements stated on the CVASC's official website:
The CVASC will provide applicants with comfortable environment and quality services, whilst conforming to the laws and regulations of both China and Australia to ensure the security of applicants' personal information and the contents of the documents submitted. To maintain regular operation, CVASC will charge a service fee according to the Schedule of Fees mentioned on CVASC website.